Today’s Scripture
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” – Psalm 34:18 (NLT)

Psalm 34:18 offers a profound message of hope and comfort, especially for those who feel overwhelmed by the challenges of life. This verse reminds me that in times of deep sorrow or distress, God is not distant but rather very near. It highlights God’s compassion and readiness to support those who are suffering. Being “brokenhearted” can symbolize any number of life’s struggles—emotional pain, loss, disappointment, or failure. Yet, this scripture assures us that our brokenness is not the end of the story. God promises not only to be present but also to deliver us from these times of despair.

This truth became especially real to me when my dad went on life support. We were told by doctors to prepare for the worst. In those painful and uncertain weeks, the weight of despair felt overwhelming. But in that darkness, I clung to the promises of Psalm 34:18, trusting that God was near and working even when I couldn’t see it. Miraculously, after several weeks, my dad came off life support. Today, he is not only alive but living a good life—an undeniable testament to God’s ability to deliver and restore, even in the most hopeless situations.

Other scriptures, like Isaiah 61:1, echo this sentiment by describing God’s anointing to heal the brokenhearted. The key is recognizing and embracing our vulnerability, allowing God to work through it to bring restoration and strength.

Ask Yourself

  1. In what areas of your life do you feel broken or crushed, and how have you invited God into those spaces?
  2. How can you extend compassion and support to others who are experiencing brokenness?

Take Action
Men we can apply this verse by first acknowledging our own feelings of brokenness and reaching out to God in prayer and meditation. It’s vital to foster a community where vulnerability is welcomed and supported. Engaging in men’s groups or accountability partnerships can provide a space to share struggles, learn from each other, and experience the closeness of God through community. Additionally, practice being a comforting presence to friends and family who may be experiencing their own challenges, embodying the same compassion that God shows us.

Pray This
Heavenly Father, I come before You with a heart that may feel broken and a spirit that is sometimes crushed. I thank You for Your promise to be near to me during these times. Help me to feel Your presence and find strength in Your comfort. Teach me to embrace vulnerability and rely on Your guidance. Let me be a source of compassion and support to those around me who are also in need. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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